Saturday, December 6, 2008

To love is to suffer

Love is death, love is suffering. To love is to suffer. To be happy is to love, is to suffer. Then to be happy is to suffer. Then Happiness is suffering. But suffering is being unhappy, then being unhappy is to love, is to suffer, is to be happy. Love is dead and Love is dead. Love fades; what a terrible prospect. When love fades, I can get excited about death. It'll be a great way to cut down on my expenses. To err is to be human. To cause pain is to be human. Pain is suffering, and if suffering is unhappiness then to cause pain is to love. It follows that to 'human' is to love, is to suffer, is to be pained, is to be unhappy is to die. So why not just cut to the chase. Why not simply kill oneself and be done with it all? Murder is immoral; suicide is immoral. However, if morality is subjective and subjectivity is objective, who is to define immorality? Humans? Death? Death defines immorality. Human beings are death. Love is death. To kill oneself is to love too much. TO kill oneself is to cause suffering. To cause suffering is to be happy. TO be happy is to suffer is to be free. But now, death has consumed all my love. Trapped. Trapped forever in a circle of pain and love and death. Death - can you hear me Death? I hope you're in pain. But seriously, all I ask is that you have A.M. radio in the afterlife.

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