Desperate Times Guest Artist Series Volume II: Kristyn Brown Today on Desperate Times, we feature one the soon to be most well known philosophers on the planet, Miss
Kristyn Brown. Currently studying in Belgium to get her Masters degree in Philosophy, she has been gracious enough to share some of her current work with us.
1. How not to cry:
Think only of what you’ve got
Not what is missing
Feel the way you are
Sitting in a coffee shop
Don’t think the word alone
That would be thinking what you’ve not got
Don’t want to talk
Or be satisfied with talking to yourself
You are a great conversationalist anyway
Lucky you, you are now having a great conversation
At least
Think about the sun or the clouds
Or the stool or the hanging photos of Brooklyn Bridge
Or the flashing game machine in the corner
Or the Bruce Springsteen’s voice, the fuzzy speaker in the corner
The racked yellow and blue patio chairs
Think of all the things around you
Make sure they stay in sight
Make sure it is a stool you are sitting on;
How is that game played; When did he write this song;
Who was on the bridge that day; What is he doing right now; Is he warm;
Is he tuffling under the sheets; Is the sailboat wind chime catching the sun
No, no! too far!
Don’t let the stool disappear!
Write a poem
Nothing is ending
You’re just waiting
2. Dear God: Response Requested
Dear God,
[10:00:08 AM] Kristyn Brown says: Please excuse the following blasphemy (I will assume you have because I am not yet aware of any smiting).
I was in Paradise today.
I was supposed to be in Paradise today.
It seemed to be very much like this is what Paradise was to be, or once was.
But was I?
Surely, you would know.
All the bounties, all the riches, radiant flowers with the lofting smells of heaven
Sun- the gavitational, succumbing,
Closing my eyes simply to turn to it
What was that feeling today... of closed eyes, only a thin beating shield between that sun and my mind?
I tried to think it today, but I could not find the words.
Anyway, back to this Paradise thing.
It seemed like,
for all the ancient reasons, for all the scraped paintings and pictures handed down by pallets and brushes;
For all descriptions of release and redemption, for all the forgottenness, the unhistorical, the never has there been of the grinding of everyday axewheels;
The, Oh, how I love the God, the Sun, the Paradise which is all I know!
That, in Paradise, I was.
But something today, even while it was happening something seemed strangely unParadisely; seemed missing.
Not a note from the bird’s harmonious oaths and odes ricocheting off of one another;
Not the perfect hovering of the shallowest pool water upon its depths;
Not a tile missing from the lusciously captured sahara sand smoothed over into perfect squares beneath my feet;
Not any dimming of the Sun because the clouds swept graciously around it like ladies of the court around their queen, careful not to cross the boundary from picturesque to annoyance.
And now the Sun has set and my thoughts, my heart, my feelings recount the day.
This paradise today seems missing something, missing a lime like the Sangria standing vigilant beside me.
And now that the people have gone inside, hiding from the soft chill that runs along behind the Sun, a pigeon sweeps down and rests beside the pool, wetting his beak.
Now, these misbegotten doves, dirty as they are, bathe in the golden fountains and gilded pools.
Was it Paradise I saw today?
Or is this Paradise now?
Surely, you would know.
[10:30:29 AM] Kristyn Brown says: ps. Sorry for the cigarette ashes I left on the hard, disinterested sahara tiles.
3. I Place the Cards
I place the cards in order
Smoking a cigarette
And the flag ship of my mind sails off
somewhere far beyond this oak table
threes on fours on fives
and queens on kings
kings on aces
I start making a phone call
But would rather not hear the endless ringing
That I know will not stop, there will be no other end
So I put the phone down on the table, still ringing, but not in my ears
And I place the cards
Twos on threes on fours
And fives on sixes
Next Week - audio files!!!!