Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dance Lessons

You waltzed (uninvited) in to my heart.

and before you fox-trotted out, I said one thing. What was that one thing that I said? Clean the up after yourself on your way out. And what did you do? You left all this shit of yours lying around my heart... cluttering up my feelings... My emotions are under a pile of shirts and the only I feel now... well... I feel like taking those emotions... those goddam shirts I mean, I feel like taking those shirts and putting them in a woodchipper...

You can only ask for trust... that's all you have... when you break that trust, either purposefully or not... Nothing is the same again.

She's a witch
and she's on my back
like a dark black shadow creeping up
She ditched the scythe years ago....

I want to kill this devil Death
I want her to take me with her and show me around and see if i like it before I want to commit to a lease... maybe we could work out a monthly trial run and go from there... see what nothingness... or maybe everythingness is like... Is it a giant void? Black? WHite?

God I'm so psychotic right now.... 72 hours, no sleep... too many circles... under my eyes, in my mouth, on my desk, in my ears.... no progress NO FUCKING... PROGRESSS!!!

Listen to me when I'm .... oh come one... ya know... i hate it when you drink... i really do... you're not the same person anymore Pablo.... I can't relate to you... In fact, I don't even know who you are anymore... Since you've left - I never hear from you Pablo - you're always busy with someone else, trying to conquer the world with someone else's diabolical plan... well you always have to have your own way don't you... don't you! yes... yes you do... and I end up going along with it... well ... not anymore You rambling fuck - I'll hear no more pontificating from you anymore... You never write you know... what do you need to come over and visit anyway an invitation engraved in Platinum? Damn son, you so whack... you so whack and you don't even know it... and that's the sad part... you don't know all the brothers you fucked up man... I hope you get a grip and realize when people love you... you need to let them know... otherwise... the love fades... or in some cases... the love festers and turns in to a poisonous hate brewing potion of madness, intoxicating the body with murderous rampaging thoughts... but hey... what do i know about love.